About Us
We came to round dancing in very different ways. Rose began dancing at the age of three and danced most forms of dance most of her life. Randy grew up on a working farm then worked construction, and seldom danced. Early in our married life, we were introduced to square dancing at a small demonstration event. We started square dance lessons in the fall of 1983. At our first official square dance we saw round dancing and knew we had to learn. We began round dancing in 1984 and at the encouragement of our teacher, Denis Crapo, began teaching and cueing round dance in 1986. Both of us cued and shared teaching duties for ten years for several square and round dance clubs in the Olympia area. We studied with Jim and Bobbie Childers and attended every festival we could, learning from the best teachers on the circuit. In 1996 we took a 13-year sabbatical from dance to raise our family and returned to the round dance world in 2007. When we began dancing again, Randy took up the microphone while Rose enjoys co-teaching and choreographing dances. We have been featured teachers/cuers at Golden State Square Dance Festival and Alaska State Square Dance Festival, Boise Round Dance Festival, Oregon State Square Dance Festival, Colorado Round Dance Gala, and many others. We have presented and taught dances at several USA West and National Conventions, and at several local weekend events and festivals. We are and have been on staff at Circle 8 Ranch, Cle Elum, WA, for fourteen years, cueing for square dances, teaching two weeks of rounds, and hosting and teaching Magical Weekend of Rounds with Jim and Bobbie Childers. During the last three winter seasons we taught phases IV through VI at Tropic Star Resort in Pharr, Texas. The dancers in Texas requested that we form a Carousel Club -- we are proud to announce that we are now Carousel Club # 387. We are excited to announce that beginning with the 2021-2022 Winter dance season we will be teaching one class and holding holding one Carousel Club dance weekly at our new location -- Greenfield Village Resort, Mesa, Arizona. Our choreography includes Il Meglio Dela Vita, Rumba in Africa, Best of Life, Rhythm and Romance, Ring My Bells, 11 Months and 29 Days and others. We have been honored with some of our choreography being awarded Rounds of the Month and Rounds of the Quarter. We love to Dance and we love to Teach Dance Life is a Dance, Enjoy Each Step! .